I love hummus and it's very good for you if you can find a no oil version that tastes great. In the "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" book by Dr. Esselstyn, they have a hummus recipe and I just used that as a model and came up with my own. This recipe is heavy on the garlic so if garlic is not your thing pare back on it when you make it.
2 Cans of garbanzo beans(or chickpeas)drained- when draining the chickpeas, save the liquid from the can in a separate jar-this liquid is called aguafaba and there are entire recipe books about all the things you can do with it.
4-6 cloves of large garlic, minced
2 Tbsp aguafaba
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp white miso
Add the garbanzo beans the minced garlic, the aguafaba, lemon juice and the miso to a food processor. Puree. Taste. Look. Does you hummus have good texture? If too thick add more lemon juice. If too thin add a quarter cup of garbanzo beans. Does it taste delicious? Does it have enough garlic or lemon juice. Add as needed.
I really like Dave's killer POWERSEED bread for toast. Dr. Greger says you should only eat baked goods with a carbohydrate/fiber ration of 5/1 or better. Dave's killer POWERSEED bread is 3/1, 15 grams carbohydrates and 5 grams fiber! That's 3/1!

This is one way I use my hummus. Hummus toast.

I spread the hummus on then toss a few sunflower seeds over the hummus. I like a little crunch with my toast.
Then I throw some sliced thin red onion and cherry tomato halves all over the top. This is my first breakfast. I was trying to work beans into every meal and this was beans for breakfast.
One of my favorite things to do with my hummus is to make a no-oil vinaigrette with it. I eat a lot of salads and I was really missing a good no-oil vegan vinaigrette. Voila! Really very good vinaigrette.

This is my no-oil vinaigrette made from my hummus. I know it's not a very pretty color but I ran out of lemon juice and had some pomegranate vinegar and so used that for the lemon juice in my hummus which made my hummus brown, thus my vinaigrette is brown. I don't mind because the taste rocks!
Hummus Vinaigrette
1/3 cup of no-oil hummus
4 Tbsp aguafaba
2 Tbsp lemon juice(or pomegranate vinegar, or balsamic vinegar)
Stir together until hummus is dissolved in liquids. Taste. The last time I made this I just threw everything together and the vinaigrette was too vinagry! So I had to add more hummus:

And more aguafaba. Then it was still a little vinagry, but it was a vinaigrette so I used it.
Here is my salad dressed with this vinaigrette.

Green olives practically cover the dressing in this photo. Sorry! But this salad has kale, arugula, spinach, red bell pepper, purple onion, cherry tomatoes, and olives. Enjoy!